Short Story: Pacifier, Rabbit, Lamp
Lights on!
Checking the clock.
What time is it?
3 AM.
Without further thinking, she rushed to the other room.
What happened?
Well, this happened.
The baby's pacifier had dropped out of the crib…
Quickly she picked it up and popped the soother back in.
The whining stopped instantly.
She sighed.
Rest returned to the room.
Satisfied, she grabbed the stuffed animal by its long ears—it was a rabbit.
Whilst holding it, she stared at the picture for a moment: Life as a sleeping baby is so delicate.
Then tiredness kicked back in.
She placed the rabbit with the baby and flicked off the lamp.
Back to a warm bed.
Good night!
(For however long that may be)
This story is written with the input of 3 words, given by newsletter reader Iliana: Pacifier, Rabbit, Lamp