
Some of my clients: Zakenmama, One in Him Foundation, Johan Toet Ministries, Inge Rock Academy, Frankwatching, We Are Travellers, Born to Fly Faith
Handsfree kolven, hoe doe je dat en wat zijn de voordelen?
Lees het hele verhaal op Zakenmama.nl
Evangeliseren in één van de gevaarlijkste landen ter wereld: "Het hele plein stroomde vol."
Lees het hele verhaal op Revive.
Johan Toet in Suriname: "Kom je met lege handen? Dan kun je het wel vergeten."
Lees het hele verhaal op Revive.
9 Hacks to Achieve Your Goals Before the End of 2023
Many pushed their 2022 goals into 2023 or let go of them completely-after all, it wasn't working anyway.
Woah, you really don't want to be part of the "it wasn't working anyway" club!
If you're reading this blog, I assume you at least set goals for 2023. If so, good for you!
Now, in order to help you succeed in achieving your goals, I'm going to give you 9 hacks. However, these tips for reaching your goals are just the start. Actually getting to the finish line comes from you putting in the effort, but I'm sure you don't mind some hard work, do you?
Let's go.
Start with the end in mind
Do you want to lose weight before the year is over? Then think about you being that person. How does it feel to have 10 kilos less to drag around?
What will you look like?
What will you wear?
If you want to be and stay motivated to reach your goals, it helps to have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. Only then do we have a target to aim for, says Stephen Covey, author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."
Limit the time you have available for each goal
Are you a procrastinator? If there's still time on the clock, why do the work now? That's not exactly the mindset that will help you reach your goals before the end of the year. No matter if you have 11, 6, or 2 months left, you've got to work on your goals, TODAY.
Peter Thiel, known for his famous book Zero to One and successful entrepreneur, challenges others to limit the time they have available for their goals.
"How can you achieve your 10-year plan in the next 6 months?" he asks.
Or similarly, he could ask, "How can you achieve this year's goals in the next 3 months?" You'll come up with ways that will surpass your imagination. Apply this before you submit yourself to Parkinson's Law: work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
Be flexible
There is no linear road to achieving your goals. In fact, there's no linear road to anything in life. So expect curveballs to come your way as you progress on your goals. Therefore, be flexible in your planning and attitude toward the goals that are on your list and prepare for setbacks. You can use the "if/then" method to help with this: "If this happens, then I'll do that." It will actually save you time and willpower because you don't have to take time to process the hurdle and figure out the next step.
Divide your goal into digestible chunks
Year goals can feel daunting. How are you going to achieve them? That's why you should chop up your goals into bite-size pieces.
For example, if your goal was to pay off a $5,000 loan, you would have to pay $416.67 a month or $13.89 a day.
Can you set monthly or even daily goals to accomplish what you want?
If you want to be a writer, could you practice your craft for at least 15 minutes a day? That way you'll end up spending 5475 hours on writing a year. Malcolm Gladwell (author of the book Outliers) claims that working 10000 hours on something will make you an expert. You could be an expert writer in just 2 years!
Take the tiniest steps possible
Sometimes you want to work on your goals, but get stuck on how to proceed with them. If this is you, then try examining your goal.
What is the most important thing that needs to happen to make progress?
What is the tiniest step you can take to act on that important thing?
Once you have your answer, take action right away. You'll notice that taking these tiny steps to achieve your goals will help you stay motivated.
It's easy to give up when you don't make that much progress on a goal or when too many obstacles get in your way. But it's vital to hang on and stick to your goals. Don't be quick to give in when things get rough. The reward at the end feels bigger when the struggle you had was harder.
How can you persevere?
By using the other hacks shared in this post but also by trying to stay positive. Tell yourself you can do it, write down the progress that you've made, ask others to support you, and focus on what is going well.
This is where most people miss the boat, they set goals but don't schedule time to work on them. If you want to run a marathon at the end of the year, you've got to train at least three times a week. Goal setting goes hand in hand with planning. As you set your goals, pull up your calendar and start planning blocks of time to work on reaching your goals.
Track your goals in the meantime
Another important hack to accomplish your goals: tracking. There are multiple ways to go about tracking your goals.
You could write your goals on sticky notes and hang them around the house so you can see and be reminded about them every day
You could ask a friend to be an accountability partner and have them check in with you every month
You could use online software that will send you reminders and has a place to log your progress
The point is: tracking will show progress which in turn will lead to motivation.
Enjoy the process
The road to achieving your goals should be perceived as fun! If a professional sportsman doesn't enjoy the training and sacrifices he has to make, how is he going to become a world champion? Find joy in the process and see the light during hard times. When you eventually reach your goals and look back to the path you've traveled, it will all be worth it. It will put an everlasting smile on your face, and you won't doubt doing it again.
If becoming a Life Coach is one of your goals and you want to know if it's feasible and something that suits you, schedule a non-committal call with me. You can do so here.
Guest blog: Why Following Your Passion Sucks
Click on the link to read my guest blog post.
Why is Neuroplasticity good for Coaching?
Neuroplasticity is one of the most exciting things happening in neuroscience right now. You might have heard about it on the news or maybe someone mentioned it to you. However, it's possible that the word may sound vague or too scientific and therefore not draw your interest.
I get it.
But once you learn more, there's no doubt that you'll be as excited as I am about it.
Neuroplasticity has been on my radar for years and I've implemented it in the Circle of Mind Expert program for specific reasons.
Read on to find out.
What is neuroplasticity?
If you want to understand why I use something that gets me so hyped up, you first have to understand what it means.
So what does neuroplasticity mean?
Neuroplasticity is the process by which your brain changes.
Your brain is always in a state of flux, adapting and changing to meet new challenges. The human brain has the ability to change its structure and function in response to experiences.
For example, if you're learning a new language or musical instrument, your brain will build new pathways to support the task.
You could say that without neuroplasticity, the brain wouldn't be able to learn new skills or information.
What is the fuss about?
These facts might not get you overly excited since it's not a wildly new concept that our brain develops and learns.
However, the reason why the concept of neuroplasticity has been all over the news lately is because of advances in research that show just how much we can change our brains with training and practice. This ranges from learning new languages to treating brain disorders such as depression and addiction.
How does neuroplasticity help me as a coach? And why should I care?
So if neuroplasticity is about how you learn and change as a person then neuroplasticity in coaching should be considered as normal if not essential.
Research has shown that:
Our brains are constantly changing throughout our lives
We can train our brains to be more resilient and flexible
We can develop new skills through deliberate practice
And here's why these findings are so important: if you want to be an effective coach who helps people make lasting changes, you need to understand how the brain works and how it changes over time. Not only can you have your clients learn new skills, but you can also retrain their brains. This can help them to change old habits, no matter how hard it might seem at first glance.
Integrating neuroplasticity in your coaching
Getting a little excited now?
If so, you are probably interested in knowing more about applying neuroplasticity to coaching.
When it comes to integrating it in your coaching, you first have to understand the concept of neuroplasticity. Training, as provided in our Circle of Mind Expert program for example, is vital.
A good coach also knows that neuroplasticity exists within a social context as well as an individual one. Therefore your coaching program and its exercises should focus on both.
Next steps
If you want to create lasting change with your clients as a coach, and if you want to add neuroplasticity to your way of coaching, our Circle of Mind Expert program is a great next step.
It teaches you all about how to use neuroplasticity in coaching, including neuroplasticity coaching exercises.
Schedule a non-committal call to find out more.
Is Social-media Marketing Een Must?
Click on the link to read the full article.
Wat Te Doen Als Je Kind Wordt Gepest?
Heb je het vermoeden dat je kind wordt gepest of weet je het zeker? Blijf dan in de eerste plaats vooral rustig. Het is heel logisch dat je meteen iets wilt doen, maar het is beter om de situatie eerst scherp te krijgen.
Onderstaande tips helpen je om een plan van aanpak te maken en het pesten tot een stoppen te brengen.
Ga met je kind in gesprek over de details
Om je kind het beste te kunnen helpen, wil je weten hoe de vork in de steel zit. Hoe lang wordt hij of zij al gepest, wat gebeurt er precies, vindt het online of op school plaats (of allebei), hoe gaat je kind ermee om? Etc. Als je een goed beeld hebt gevormd, kun je gepaster advies geven.
Ga samen op zoek naar een oplossing
Hoe ouder je kind is, hoe belangrijker het is dat jouw kind zelf regie en grip op de situatie houdt. Dit geeft je kind namelijk meer zelfvertrouwen en dat heeft hij of zij nu heel hard nodig. Luister goed naar wat het kind voordraagt en toon begrip voor eventuele angsten; bijvoorbeeld dat het pesten erger wordt. Zoek in dat geval naar een geschikter plan.
Leer je kind hoe het steviger in de schoenen kan staan
Het is belangrijk dat je kind weerbaarder en zelfverzekerder wordt om weerstand te kunnen bieden aan de pestkop(pen). Wat je bijvoorbeeld kunt leren is het stellen van een vraag aan de pestkop. 'Ja, ik ben wat dikker. Heb je daar een vraag over?' Ook kun je je kind meer zelfvertrouwen geven door hem of haar meer te complimenteren, zelf keuzes te laten maken, goed te luisteren en zijn of haar interesses te stimuleren.
Praat met betrokkenen
Ga in gesprek met mensen die hulp kunnen bieden tegen het pesten. Op school kan dit de leerkracht zijn of de vertrouwenspersoon, op de sportvereniging de trainer, in de buurt een ouder. Stel de gesprekspunten mét je kind op zodat er een oplossing kan worden bedacht waar iedereen achterstaat.
Confronteer de pestkop(pen)
Als je kind het wilt en durft, kan hij of zij de pestkop aanspreken op zijn of haar gedrag. Soms hebben pesters namelijk niet door dat hun acties als pesten ervaren worden. Heeft dit geen effect? Vermijd dan contact zo veel mogelijk, en blokkeer bijvoorbeeld het pesters account als het om online pestgedrag gaat.
Verzamel bewijsmateriaal
Als het pesten niet stopt en je hebt van alles geprobeerd, of als er een gevaarlijke situatie ontstaat zoals bedreigingen of stalking, neem dan contact op met de politie. Bewijsmateraal zoals screenshots van berichten zullen van pas komen en de zaak helpen.
3 dagen Toronto, wat te doen? 13 Tips
Click on the link to read the full article.
Devotional - When You Don't See The Fruits of Your Business
Click on the link to read the full article.
Written by Jane Trapman
The Christmas Equation (feature)
She's still (short)
The Star (short)
To-morrow (feature, in progress)